Photo by MAX LIBERTINE on Unsplash

Instagram – miesto, kde nájdeme tie najkrajšie ženy a životy, ktoré častokrát len závidíme.

Čo nás desí najviac je to, že na svete je toľko „modeliek“, až sa cítime byť menejcenné. Často sa dievčatá chcú podobať na svoje vzory a snažia sa robiť všetko pre to, aby sa aj ony mohli pochváliť fotkou, na ktorej budú vyzerať perfektne. Pritom zabúdajú na to, že nie všetko je v skutočnosti také, ako sa zdá.

Aj za perfektnou postavou sa môže skrývať len dobrá póza, svetlo, uhol alebo samozrejme photoshop. Niekoľko žien na Instagrame práve na túto skutočnosť poukazuje. Na svoje profily pridávajú vlastné fotky – na jednej sú dobre nastajlované, na druhej v prirodzenej polohe.

A rozdiel medzi nimi je naozaj veľký, veď si pozri nasledujúcu galériu. A ak budeš nabudúce závidieť niekomu jeho dokonalú postavu, spomeň si na tieto ukážky!

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Bad body image days 🌿 Lately I’ve been having bad body image days. Everyone has days where they look at themselves and just see the negatives. I was struggling to get a good “Instagram” photo because I’m not as lean as I used to be. But I realised that even though I’ve been struggling to have the same positive viewpoint of my body that I’ve had majority of the time, there will always be ups and downs and you can’t possibly expect yourself to be completely content with what you see everyday 24/7. So here’s a reminder that it’s normal for your tummy fat to bunch up. It’s completely normal to gain weight and have difficulty accepting it because of the obsession society has with weight loss and being fit. But we shouldn’t have to stress about looking as lean as possible. Or stressing about normal things like tummy fat bunching up. We should be able to love and accept the body we have whether it’s like the left or right photo. You don’t need to constantly suck your tummy in and sit uncomfortably in order to look smaller. We need to realise that having bad body days is okay, as long as you acknowledge that it’s a bad day and those negative thoughts aren’t a true reflection of yourself. Your body is amazing no matter how it looks because it allows you to live and experience life 🌴☀️ —————————————– . . . #instagramvsreality #changethewayyouthink #focusonyourself #bodygoals #idealbody #powerofpositivity

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‼️First thing my mum said when I showed her these pictures: "wow, that's a great transformation! When did you take the before picture?" Me: "this morning"😅 So just a little reminder: It really is that simple to completely change the way your body looks in seconds!!‼️ . Although I called the right pic "posing" I want to clarify that posing is also BAD posture. Walking around like that al day isn't good for your body at all! Back arched, hip pushed to the side & flexing so hard I'd almost shit myself😂 . Some of you might think the left pic is and exaggeration but truth is I used to walk around like that. Yes I was a total sloucher🙈 Slouching isn't good for your body either. The rounded shoulders, arms pushed against the body and feet so close to each other that they almost become one👣 It just screams; I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE! DON'T LOOK AT ME! And that's exactly why I used to stand like that 😓 . Making your body "smaller" can make it feel like no one can see you🐭 Guess what?? We can still see you!👀 I used to be so insecure that hiding somewhere in the corner & slouching to be as little as possible seemed like the best thing to do. That way I hoped no one would notice me🙈🐭 . For all who feel like they need to hide too: you don't!! You are allowed to be here & to be seen! You are freaking amazing and super beautiful! Stand up straight & proud and say: HERE I AM!! Walk into the room and OWN IT!👊🏼 . The way you stand actually influences the way you feel! I felt proud whilst posing but slouching instantly made me feel little and shy again🙈 Next time you go somewhere and you feel insecure pay some attention to your posture! Be proud! . Posing is a great thing but please remember that even "instamodels" don't walk around posing all day. It's simply impossible! In real life I'm somewhere in between those two pictures! Not slouching but also not posing. Unless it's picture time of course. Then you better get ready for me to do my super hero poses! 👊🏼 (Where's that Wonder Woman emoji when you need it)😭 . Anyway, get to know your body and stand proud! YOU DESERVE TO BE SEEN! YOU ARE ENOUGH! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!❤❤ Now tag another beautiful human being!👯 #imreswarriors

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Instagram isn’t reality 🌿 It’s really frustrating when you’re having a bad body image day and you take photos of yourself and can only focus on the bad photos and all the “flaws” you see in them. It’s difficult to get out of a bad body image rut. Especially when we compare our everyday bodies to posed and seemingly flawless photos on social media. Its hard to control our thoughts and lately I’ve been thinking things like “you shouldn’t be eating that. You looked better before. You should work out more”. These thoughts aren’t productive. Stop bullying yourself into thinking you aren’t allowed to enjoy life. Nobody is flawless and everyone has “bad photos” we just choose what and what not to share on social media in order to put out a good image of ourselves. You are beautiful the way you are, including the “bad” photos because they’re still you and you’re amazing. Don’t obsess too much over these things and miss out on all the amazing things in life that are right in front of you. 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #candidphoto #instagramvsreality #mybody #flatstomach #loveyourbody #selfesteem #lawofattraction #thankyourbody #youareworthit #youareunique

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Sitting down and sucking in vs relaxing 🌿 Anyone else have those times when you’re sitting and feel your tummy touch your legs and think that nobody else has this problem? I always used to suck my tummy in when I sat down or posed for photos because I felt like people would judge me for the way my body looks relaxed. Still to this day I sometimes find myself sucking in uncomfortably because I have conditioned myself to do it my whole life. But in reality we all have some degree of fat on our tummies. We are meant to have fat on our tummies. It’s there to protect vital organs. Next time you feel like this, thank your tummy for keeping you safe and looking cute!!! Cause there is nothing wrong with this. It is completely normal for your skin/tummy to look like this and make folds, rolls or mush into a bunch!! You are perfectly human and you’re amazing. Don’t let a thing like this ruin how you view and feel about your body. 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #bellyfat #flattummy #loveyourbody #bodyimage #bopo #allbodiesaregoodbodies #bodydiversity #selfacceptance

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Booty pop 🍑🌿 I was scrolling through my old photos and came across these photos where I was trying to take one of those sandy bum pics 😬 I posted the right one back in January, but the left is the reality behind that photo ☺️ I still sometimes get a slight pang of sadness and jealousy when I see all the big beautiful bums on instagram and wish I could magically have what they have. Because sometimes I feel like all my booty gains are gone when I take photos where it looks smaller, but then I remember that I shouldn't compare my body to theirs. I have a great booty and so do they! It's all about posing/angles and nobody looks like that all the time. There's nothing wrong with posting a good photo of your booty, you should post it if you feel like it! Just remember that when you're scrolling through social media and see all the posed bums that you too have a great bum and that nobody looks like that 24/7 ☺️ It seems like big butts are the thing that so many people want currently. But remember that you don't need a big booty to be beautiful. All butts are good butts ☺️ All of our bodies are different and you don't need a specific body type to fit into what society defines as beautiful!! It's stressful and so messed up that body parts and types are going in and out of style- before it was being really thin, now it's having a big booty. That shouldn't be a thing. It causes so much stress and self hate to people who do not have these things. I know it's hard but instead of trying to obtain these things, love how you look now. Not how you'll look if you loose X amount of weight or get a bigger booty. Because trust me when you get to those things you'll just want something more. Be comfortable in your own skin no matter what angle, posed or unposed, and you'll radiate beauty! 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #bopowarrior #bootypop #allbodiesaregoodbodies #bootyfordays #bootybuilding #instagramvsreallife #beforeafter #selfconfidence #youareyou #dontchange #acceptyourself #bodypositive #lawofattraction #everyoneisbeautiful #selflove #bepresent #findyourself #dontcare #cellulite #effyourbeautystandards

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‼️DIFFERENT KIND OF "KEEP IT REAL"‼️ I know some people are all done with the "keep it real" pictures so I thought I'd try a new one😅 I find this one kinda hilarious🙈chilling by the pool instagram vs real life👙 . Anyone familiar with the concept of having all "normal" legs when you're standing but as soon as you sit down they transform into huge piles of meat?🍖😂 Why is it that those 2 sticks we use to walk expand to the size of Texas whenever they touch a chair?😅 . This is the most NORMAL thing ever yet us girls seem to be so self conscious about it😔 Hello! Your legs are being pushed against a surface, they are supposed to expand! This doesn't mean you're fat🙅🏻 Even muscle will just look like a huge shapeless pile of meat when there's no flexing involved🍖 If you don't want your legs to expand maybe invest in stone legs!⛰⛏ I'd choose marble ones💁🏻😂 . We've just lost touch with reality because on the internet all we see are those freaking hot dog legs🌭 I am guilty of posting those too! Yet even I wondered on my last vacay why my legs were so "big" when I sat down. 😅 . Thought I'd take a good comparison pic and I'm pretty sure I've got a hernia now😅 Creating that thighgap & skinny legs feel was real hard😵 I had to arch my back like crazy, hold my legs up (serious ab work was involved) and had to sit on the edge of the pool which caused me to almost fall. Both my camera & I would have drowned in the sadness of insta perfection (I would survive the water though, I can swim!🙆🏻) To people who do sit like this in real life; I admire your core strenght & willpower! . Yep, that's the truth behind poolside hotdog pics. Truth be told I'd much rather sit like that right pic whilst enjoying an actual hotdog🌭 What is your fave poolside snack? Kinda wanted to hold a piece of watermelon whilst taking this but it turns out that's only for advanced instagram posing😅 I couldn't hold myself up, flex them abs, hold a watermelon & take pics at the same time😂 Guess I better start practicing for my next vacay!💁🏻 . Ps. I don't think there's anything wrong with the way my legs look in the pic on the right. Just showing you the difference! 🌭 vs 🍖 = both yummy🙆🏻

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2017 vs 2018👊🏼 Look at my AHH-MA-ZINGH ‼️1 year‼️ transformation!!! NEW YEAR, NEW ME!💁🏻 #nahjustgotridofthebloat #bloatingissues . Lol sorry but I could not resist this great opportunity😅 I mean I kinda got famous in 2017 by posting these sorta pic so this seemed like the only right way to start 2018🙈 These pics are just hours apart yet I look completely different👀 Anyone else who started the new year with a giant food baby?🤰🏻 . So let’s talk about bloating. It happens to lots of us! Trust me, probably even that girl with the sixpack abs has days she looks like she’s carrying twins👶🏻 (or maybe I’m the only one😂) A slight bloat is quite easy to hide online and thus you may never know. We insta models do a lot to keep up that amazing appearance and often that also means sucking in a bloated belly when taking pics #gottahidethefoodbaby #suckinflexandclick 📸 #theinstalife . It’s normal for your body to expand a bit during the day! I mean, where did you think your food and drinks go?🍕🍹 They don’t just fall right out after consumption (if they do please go to your doctor)😅 So this is the kind of “bloating” that’s okay👍🏼 . Me in this pic however is definitely more bloated than you should be after a normal day. I had cake for breakfast, enjoyed some (“some?!”who am I kidding?) champagne, ate chocolate mousse and Dutch oliebollen😏 All yum but not great for me with my sensitive belly. But you know what I mainly had last night? FUN!🍾 . It’s okay to indulge every once in a while, it’s okay to let yourself go and have some fun! The word foodbaby exists for a reason! Don’t overdo it but also don’t be afraid to have a good time cause you might get bloated(I choose my outfit based on how much I plan to eat😂) . Leave a 🙋🏻 in the comments if you’ve ever had a foodbaby! (Twins, triplets?!)🤰🏻👶🏻 oh and tag your foodbaby bestie 👯 #togetherwecaneatmore 😏 😂 . Ps. If you are always this bloated after a normal day of eating and suffer from pain please go to your doctor. You may have some food intolerances! #alwaystakegoodcareofyourself

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Another version of this post 👆🏼 Some thought I didn’t took these pics at the same day but the time difference is just one minute. It’s not that I fake my flaws, if you even can say cellulites are a flaw since we all have them in some angle. Same thing with bloatiness, everyone suffer from it time to time because we are no robots, our food routine can change sometimes, or our sleep etc and that can cause a bloated body 🙌🏼 Just remember no one is perfect and I’m really not perfect in any way, I just work to be the best version of me and try to accept everything about me🙋🏼‍♀️ We all should do that and if we just try to stop compare each other so much we would find peace with ourself much easier💕 #selflove #transformation #cellulite #fitness

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