Lásku chápe a vidí každý po svojom a nie len to, každý ju aj inak prejavuje. Niekto lásku k druhému človeku prejavuje veľkými gestami či vyznaniami, no tá skutočná láska sa dá prejaviť aj úplnými maličkosťami akými sú napríklad prejedenie sa večer pred telkou, spoločné tiché momenty či menšie „nechutnosti“, medzi ktoré patrí vytláčanie vyrážok.

Umelkyňa Amanda Oleander vidí skutočnú lásku presne takýmito maličkosťami a svoj pohľad na ňu sa snažila zachytiť vo svojich naozaj zlatých ilustráciách. Inšpirovala sa svojím vlastným vzťahom. So svojim partnerom tvoria pár viac než dva roky a aj po toľkom čase ho opisuje ako najmilšieho a najzábavnejšieho muža na svete.

Autorku veľmi zaujíma to, ako sa pár správa za „zatvorenými dverami“. Prejavy lásky, ktoré nikto nevidí, momenty, ktoré nemôžu byť zdokumentované fotografiami ju ovplyvnilo natoľko, že sa rozhodla ich ilustrovať. Nájdeš v nich seba a svojho partnera?

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Drawing 7/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. Before you keep reading, stop and comment your interpretation for this one! Then come back and read my mine . . . . . . . . . . This piece is about those manipulative, sneaky people we sometimes let into our business, lives, homes or even have relationships with them. If anybody is making you feel guilty or influencing you into doing something that you are hesitant about, listen to your gut and not them. If the people that love you the most are not a big fan of this person that’s probably for a good reason. Some people are leeches and they don’t even mean to be that’s just how they are. Be careful. ✋🏻 . . . 📱Link in bio for prints and originals 📬

A post shared by A m a n d a👩🏻‍🎨O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

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Drawing 56/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. When you see a white hair and it reminds you how old you're getting and all of the things you wanted to have accomplished by this age. So you get your partner to come help cut them out or you pull them out yourself because.. who needs that rude reminder? ✂️✂️✂️– So after this post I've been getting messages about how I should be proud of what I have achieved at this age, and that I'm not that old..etc. I know I'm not that old, thirties are great years and I'm looking forward to them. And I am really happy about how far I am in my career, but as a women who wants multiple kids and wants to tour the world and publish books and work an a ton of projects it gets a little messy at this age since the older I get the closer I am to my internal ticking clock of having children. I'm not ready for them but I do want them in the future and before them there's a lot I want to do, many places I want to go and things I want to accomplish. My mom got married at 23 and had me at 24. She always gave me this piece of advice: "Do what you love before you have kids, travel, spend alone time with your partner don't rush into it." I take that advice to heart and have followed it but I think it's normal to feel that pressure when I am reminded of my age. ✨

A post shared by A m a n d a👩🏻‍🎨O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

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