, maddielymburner

Karanténa sa síce už skončila a fitká sú znovu otvorené, no ak chceš ušetriť trochu peňazí a chceš sa cez leto predviesť v plavkách, určite by si mala skúsiť domáce cvičenie. A aby ťa mal kto podporiť a motivovať, zavolaj svojho frajera a zacvičte si spolu.

Určite si neraz na sociálnych sieťach obdivovala páry, ktoré sa venovali spoločnému tréningu. V niektorých prípadoch to vyzerá neskutočne zložito, no stačí, keď si poriadne pozrieš, ako tie cviky robia a vyskúšajte to. Samozrejme, na prvýkrát sa vám to možno nepodarí, ale to nevadí, veď vás aj tak nikto nebude vidieť.

Skúšajte a časom sa do toho dostanete. Stačí, ak si denne takto zacvičíte aspoň 10-15 minút, môžete si z toho urobiť taký príjemný zvyk. Možno sa vám to tak zapáči, že sa na spoločné cvičenie budete tešiť a nikto vás nebude musieť nútiť. Veď vzájomná podpora je tá najlepšia.

Na YouTube alebo na Instagrame nájdeš hneď niekoľko inšpiratívnych dvojíc, ktoré sa takémuto párovému cvičeniu venujú. Na začiatok si skúste vybrať možno jednoduchšie cviky a časom skúšajte aj tie zložitejšie. Ak vám viac vyhovuje cvičenie ráno, tak cvičte ráno, aby ste sa naštartovali do dňa, no ak nestíhate a vyhovuje vám to viac večer, nič sa nedeje.

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Ďalšou obľúbenou fitnesskou je Maddie Lymburner, ktorá má na Instagrame dva profily. Na jednom sa venuje len cvičeniu a na tom druhom sa môžeš dozvedieť čo to aj z jej života. K cvičeniu si rada prizvala aj svojho partnera. Začiatkom roka síce oznámili rozchod, no ich videá sú stále dostupné, takže určite sa nimi inšpiruj.

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I’ve avoided talking about this because it’s not something I feel ready to share. I’m not sure I will ever feel ready. Dealing with personal obstacles in life is one thing, but having to share and be open with an audience is a whole other ball game. I do feel as though I should grant you an explanation, as you’ve shared many amazing memories with us and have been apart of our lives. But, this is still so fresh and deeply personal… it’s very, very hard. As some of you may have heard, Kyle and I have decided to no longer continue our romantic relationship – but instead focus on building a better friendship and staying focused on our passions and our work together. We have SO much love and respect for each other… this was not an easy decision. But, I believe we will learn, grow, and become stronger people from this. What does this mean? Nothing is really changing, besides what happens in our personal lives. We are still (even more so) focused on building a community and our work. We will still be taking on big and very exciting adventures together. The past few months have been some of the hardest times to navigate in my life. Break ups (no matter what the circumstances) fucking suck. Understandably, I’ve been hesitant to share anything as we are still trying to process and understand things ourselves. Times are still very hard, confusing, sad, frustrating… listening to your heart can be fucking difficult. I am incredibly thankful for the amazing human that Kyle is. I am excited to continue this journey together, take on new ventures in life together, and start building an even more meaningful relationship with him. He means so much to me. I’m not sure what the future holds. But, if it’s meant to be, it will be. I need to take this time to grow and love myself more as a person. I don’t expect anyone to understand. Everyone moves through situations in life differently. Thank you for all the kind words of support, and also respecting our privacy during this tough time. Onwards and upwards 💫 I’ll be back soon 🤍

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