Ženy sa už viac neboja ukázať svoju tvár. Nezastaví ich pri tom ani ich akné. Nový trend #skinpositivity chce dosiahnuť, aby sa každá žena cítila krásna.

Spomínaš si na video, ktoré pred pár rokmi obletelo celý svet? Žena, ktorú trápilo akné, zverejnila negatívne komentáre, ktoré sa objavili pod jej fotografiami na sociálnych sieťach. Hnusné komentáre sa dokonca objavili aj po tom, čo sa nalíčila, no vtedy ľuďom prišlo nechutné, že má na sebe toľko make-upu.

Práve toto video bolo akýmsi pomyselným spúšťačom hnutia za prirodzenú krásu, ktorá je najkrajšia. Autorka videa chcela dosiahnuť, aby sa ostatné ženy s problematickou pleťou nebáli ukázať svetu a aby sa za svoj nedostatok nehanbili.

Dnes žijeme v dobe sociálnych sietí, kde sa prezentuje všetko dokonalé, no našťastie sa nájdu aj ženy, ktoré sa aj naďalej snažia hnutie prirodzenej krásy prezentovať. Slúži im na to hashtag #skinpositivity, ktorý k svojim fotkám pridávajú dievčatá či ženy z celého sveta.

Mnohé z nich trpia naozaj silným akné, ktorého sa nevedia zbaviť, aj keď sa snažia. Napriek tomu sa ale pred svetom neukrývajú a hrdo zverejňujú fotky svojich tvárí, ktoré sa niekomu môžu zdať nedokonalé či dokonca príšerné. Stále sa, bohužiaľ, nájdu aj takí ľudia, čo im v komentároch nechávajú odkazy, že takéto snímky na sociálne siete nepatria.

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I still can’t quite believe that there is only 6 months between the first and the last photo 😮🤭 ⁣ This year has been a special year and I am incredibly grateful for my journey and how lucky I have been. ⁣ ⁣ I rarely look back at photos of my skin at its worst because it’s like looking at a different person. I tried so hard to be strong and brave but it took so much of my energy. I was a shell of who I am now. The first photo was taken in February at the beginning of my accutane journey.⁣ ⁣ The middle photo was taken at the end of May when my accutane journey was coming to and end, I was over the moon with the results and didn’t particularly care about the redness and scarring, but I was tired and drained from the medication. ⁣ ⁣ The last photo was taken yesterday. I can’t believe what accutane, a positive mindset and using @banishacnescars everyday has done for my skin, but also for my mind. I feel like me again and it’s the best feeling in the world. ⁣ ⁣ If you’re suffering with acne or any skin conditions I promise you it will get better, you will feel better and you will learn so much about yourself on the way. Never give up, never lose hope 💕✨

A post shared by Emily Keel (@emilykeel_) on

Netreba sa ale pozerať na to, čo si myslia alebo čo robia iní ľudia, dôležité je to, čo urobíš ty. Ak ťa náhodou trápi akné či iné kožné problémy, neboj sa odhaliť svoju pravú tvár a neukrývaj ju pod nánosy make-upu, ktorý ti v podstate škodí ešte viac.

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I am so shocked!! @instagram rejected @talontedlex picture of her face from being promoted because they classed it as an “undesirable” appearance. What world are you living in?? . Lex, you are absolutely beautiful and what you are doing is amazing! . Acne, Rosacea and other skin issues are as normal as everyday life and Instagram should be wanting to support and help those who actually want to make others FEEL BETTER about their skin rather than allowing false advertisement of photoshopped pictures and unrealistic reality that is mentally scarring and damaging self confidence’s all over the world. . All credit to @talontedlex for wanting to share her skin struggles in hope to help others and promote that skin struggles are normal and beautiful. Similar to me and everyone else in the #acnecommunity and #rosaceacommunity . Reject this one Instagram 🤦🏼‍♀️ #undesirablesofinstagram

A post shared by Kara Olivia | Acne positivity (@karaoliviabeauty) on

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This is 3 weeks of taking @zilchacne I have taken 8 tablets a day. I am SO impressed. Left picture is 3 + weeks ago and the right is current. . I have no active spots, all that remains is acne scaring. I have noticed that now if I have a slight hormonal breakout instead of a painful large under the skin cystic spot it is just a small whitehead that goes after 1-2 days. . . I genuinely never thought there would be a light in which my skin would take a turn for the positive and start improving after trying product after product nothing helped until Zilch. . On a side note if anyone knows any good products to help with acne scaring and redness please let me know ❤️ . . #zilchresults #zilchacne #acne #acnetreatment #acneprone #acneproblems #acnepositivity #acnecommunity #acnejourney #acnelife #acnehelp #acneskin #influencer #acneblogger #adultacne #zilchambassador #acneprogress #skinpositivity #skincare #acneisnormal #acneisbeautiful

A post shared by Amy | Acne Journey (@amys.acne.journey) on

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@instagram’s decision to label photos of real skin and real people as “undesirable” is damaging 🤦🏼‍♀️ According to the NHS website, 95% of 11-30 year olds will suffer with acne to some extent and 1 in 10 people suffer with rosacea. There are huge amounts of people who turn to Instagram for support from others and to feel good about themselves… and then this. It’s estimated that 71% of people have suffered with depression, anxiety, low self esteem or loneliness because of acne and things like this can contribute to those feelings. But as always, the #acnecommunity and #rosaceacommunity have pulled together, showing that this is not okay and how much we support each other. This is what I am here for. @talontedlex #undesirablesofinstagram #ahappymindset #AHMskin

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I’m finally stepping outside of the house without foundation. Talk about being nervous af. However, I’m tired of hiding behind layers of foundation just to feel confident enough to go out into the public. Even before I had this acne, I still wouldn’t step out of the house without a full face of makeup on 90% of the time. All those small blemishes I used to have seem so perfect now and something I wish I would have told myself a year ago. I feel really good today though, my face feels like it can breath. To social media & Instagram my appearance may seem “undesirable” but this is me, flaws and all. So shame on you Instagram. . . . #skinpositivity #acnepositivity #acne #texturedskin #acnescars #acneproblems #hormoneimbalance #skincare #skin #skinfluencer #undesirablesofinstagram

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