
Myslela som si, že tento svet ma už ničím neprekvapí. Omyl! Opäť. Instagramovým svetom prebehol nový trend v úprave obočia. Nie, žiadna nová farba na obočie ani glitre. Po perfektne uhladenom, do neba vykreslenom obočí, prichádza nový trend a to obočie pripomínajúce vtáčie pierko.

Pred pár dňami fínska make-up artistka Stella Sironen, zo srandy uverejnila na svojom instagramovom účte fotografiu rozcuchaného obočia s popisom, že toto je nový trend v úprave obočia. Svoje obočie rozdelila pozdĺžne na dve polovice. Internet to zobral vážne, a tak sa začal virálny trend pierkového obočia.

ok so obviously this has gotten out of hand and it's hilarious and amazing but i wanted to clarify some stuff: 1. i joked about starting a trend in the caption of my first pic not about the actual makeup 2. drag queens have used glue on their brows since forever so please don't credit me for that lol 3. i know that brows are a sacred part of the face but consider this: there is lip art and eye art and tons of different forms of creative makeup, why is experimenting with brows so strange? shoutout to @popsugarbeauty, @huffpostwomen and @dailymail for making the best articles about this, go read them! and i can't thank you guys enough for your support, this feels unreal❤️ peacock feather brow: @cameleonfinland body paints, @katvondbeauty tattoo liner in Trooper, @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade in Dark Brown, glue stick skin: @maccosmetics next to nothing Light Plus, pro longwear concealer in NC15 lower lid: @makeupstore Romantic Garden & Emerald eye pencils liner: @toofaced chocolate bar palette (Triple Fudge) lashes: @grimassuomi 325

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