27-ročná Kiah Twisselman z Californie celý život bojovala s kilami navyše. Myslela si, že to má v génoch, pretože aj jej rodina trpela nadváhou. Jedného dňa ale prišiel zlom a rozhodla sa, že so sebou začne niečo robiť. Svoj príbeh zverejnila aj vďaka portálu Daily Mail, no motiváciu a rady rozdáva aj prostredníctvom svojho Instagramu.

Kiah brala nadváhu ako súčasť svojho života a nič s ňou nerobila. Dospelo to až do štádia, kedy najviac vážila takmer 130 kilogramov. Zlomový okamih prišiel v roku 2018, kedy letela lietadlom a nezmestila sa na svoje miesto a navyše mala problém aj so zapnutím bezpečnostného pásu. Počas letu si čítala knihu Girl, Wash Your Face od Rachel Hollis  (v slovenskom preklade ju nájdeš ako Vzchop sa, dievča) a povedala si, že stačilo.

Sama ale vedela, že nemôže mať hneď od začiatku veľké očakávania, pretože bude sklamaná, ak sa výsledky nedostavia dostatočne rýchlo. Stanovila si preto postupne menšie ciele a vo svojom živote zmenila pár maličkostí.

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I vividly remember going to a kickboxing class on my college campus with a friend of mine. The instructor was a ripped body builder woman, and I’ll admit I was a bit intimidated, but excited nonetheless. Until the push-ups. She told the class to do ten push-ups and if anyone let their knees hit the floor the entire class had to start over again. My heart sank. I couldn’t even do ONE regular push-up let alone TEN. The class started the push-ups. I shakily did one, two, maybe three, but I just couldn’t hold myself up any longer. My knees hit the floor and she shouted out to the class to start over. I was mortified. If my face could have gotten any redder from the physical exertion on top of the shame, it might have caught fire. I felt embarrassed, guilty, and blatantly called out in a room I already felt so out of place in. I wanted to like this class, to find an activity that I could enjoy doing that was good for me too. But I knew in the moment I would never come to another kickboxing class there ever again. All this to say, I get it. I understand being uncomfortable working out in public, feeling embarrassed about not knowing how to use the equipment, or being terrified that everyone is staring at you. But here’s the thing – for the most part everyone is too caught up on their own selves to pay much attention to you in the first place. And hey, maybe gyms aren’t your thing! But that doesn’t mean that exercising isn’t your thing. Maybe that kickboxing instructor wasn’t the right fit for me. But that didn’t mean that the Zumba class I never tried taking wasn’t either. The best way to find out what your thing is, is to go out and try something, anything! Maybe for you it’s hot yoga, barre, or cycling. Maybe it’s kayaking, hiking, or dance parties in your living room. I’ve lost 122 pounds WITHOUT a gym membership. I run and walk outside and use free YouTube workouts from the comfort of my living room with hand-me-down dumbbells and a $10 yoga mat from Amazon. M O V E M E N T is for everyone, my friends. Don’t let a silly kickboxing class or mishap at the gym convince you otherwise. You’ve just got to find the movement that’s right for you.

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V prvom rade sa vzdala všetkých potravín, ktoré neboli nijak prospešné pre jej telo, začala piť oveľa viac vody (konkrétne polovicu svojej hmotnosti), minimálne polhodinu denne sa venovala nejakému pohybu a vstávala o hodinu skôr, aby mala čas venovať sa sebe. Okrem toho si pravidelne spisovala zoznam vecí, za ktoré je vďačná a ktoré jej pomáhali ostať v psychickej pohode.

Za dva roky sa jej vďaka tomuto všetkému podarilo schudnúť 55 kíl. A za celý ten čas ani raz nevstúpila do fitka. „Schudla som 55 kilogramov bez permanentky do fitka. Behávala som, chodila som na prechádzky a cvičila som z pohodlia obývačky vďaka videám na YouTube. Pohyb je pre každého, stačí len nájsť ten pohyb, ktorý bude správny pre vás,“ podelila sa so svojimi fanúšikmi na Instagrame, kde ju sleduje viac ako 23-tisíc ľudí, pre ktorých je veľkou inšpiráciou.

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The only part of my body I used to like was my eyes. They are ice blue just like my dad’s, and the only part of my body I couldn’t consider overweight! I hated every other part of me. My arms were saggy. My legs lumpy. My stomach flabby. I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin, desperate to escape it. My desperation led me to sign up for countless fad diets. Maybe this would be the one, the quick fix that will make me beautiful and worthy. I thought that maybe if I was skinnier I’d finally be able to accept myself, I’d finally be able to live life with confidence. I’d start off each new diet strong, and then once I made the first mistake, I’d use that as evidence for why I was destined to fail again. Instead of giving myself grace and forgiveness, I’d spiral, piling on more shame and self-loathing. And then, to buffer away my emotions and disappointment, I’d eat. Food was my comfort, an instant release of dopamine to allow me to escape my feelings and discomfort. And so, the pattern would continue. Hate myself. Start a diet. Make a mistake. Hate myself more. Eat food. Gain weight. And repeat. This time, I knew things had to be different. I had to BREAK THE CYCLE – a cycle that I had created in my own mind. I knew I needed to learn to love myself FIRST, instead of focusing on the diet or exercise plan, as if my physical appearance was the solution to my problems. You, as you are, are beautiful, worthy, and whole. When we learn to love ourself FIRST, our journey becomes fueled by our commitment each day to becoming our best, rather than by self-shame and punishment. When we love ourself first, we forgive ourself, we stop quitting on ourself, and we reach for more. Not because we hate who we are, but because we love who we know we were always meant to be.

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Kiah pravidelne zverejňuje fotky s motivačnými popismi, aby podporila všetkých, ktorí chcú tiež schudnúť, no doteraz na to nenabrali odvahu. Ona sama je jasným dôkazom toho, že keď sa chce, všetko sa dá. Netreba ale hneď zo začiatku čakať na zázraky, všetko príde postupne. Dnes je Kiah nesmierne šťastná a cíti sa oveľa lepšie, čo na nej aj vidieť, pretože doslova žiari.

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The greatest gift I’ve ever received is the one I gave myself – the gift of trying again and refusing not to give up. I’ve lost 115 pounds, but truthfully my health journey hasn’t really been about the weight loss. The physical transformation might be pretty remarkable, but if only you could see my mind! Because I promise you, friend, that’s where the greatest transformation has been made. Simply wishing you could have a life that looked different than it does won’t change anything. Hoping that one day things might be different and looking at other people’s lives with jealousy won’t create the life you’ve always dreamed of. It’s not enough to try once and give up at the first sign of failure. It’s not even enough to try twice. It takes failing your way through it and continuing to pick yourself up and try again. Over, and over, and over again. No matter what. Stop wasting this incredible gift of life by not being willing to believe that you CAN do it. You can do anything! But not while clinging to a mindset that’s holding you back and telling you that you can’t. Of all the gifts you give this year, consider how incredible giving yourself the gift of trying again would feel. The gift of being willing to believe a different story about yourself and what is possible. The gift of regaining your self-confidence by not breaking promises to yourself. The gift of loving yourself from the inside out and living life with intention to become the best version of you, one baby step at a time. It’s so easy for us to believe in ourselves as kiddos. Use some of that Christmas magic and try believing in yourself again.

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Why is it so easy for us to love the people around us, yet so hard to find that same love for ourselves? When we look in the mirror, so many of us tell ourselves terrible, awful things we would never say to a friend or loved one. We fixate on our pudgy belly, our flabby arms, our wrinkled skin, our scars and imperfections. We beat ourselves down, obsessing over our failures, telling ourselves we’re a disgrace, feeding into our feelings of hopelessness. We allow negative self-talk to steal away our joy and self-worth. It shouldn’t be a surprise that we find ourselves once again turning to food/alcohol/drugs/etc. for temporary relief! So how do we get to that place of self-love? Well, for starters, let’s decide that we will no longer tolerate treating ourselves like a pile of garbage, k? If it’s not something you would ever say to your dearest friend, don’t waste any of your precious energy thinking it’s true for you either. Even after losing weight, I’ve struggled with body image about my loose skin. Not because I’m broken, but because I’m HUMAN. I’ll catch myself tugging at the skin on my arms thinking things like, “Maybe I shouldn’t wear a tank top today so my sagging skin won’t show. If I just hadn’t let myself become obese in the first place, maybe I’d have arms that were normal.” The difference now is that I’ve practiced noticing when negative self-talk pours in and intentionally choosing gratitude instead. These arms may have stretch marks and loose skin, but these arms allow me to embrace the people I love most. They allow me to dance around in my kitchen while making dinner and play with my sweet nieces. These arms aren’t perfect, but they are beautiful and they are mine. Today, I choose to honor these arms and this body that I am so thankful to call home. Let’s practice being a supportive and encouraging friend to ourselves today. Let’s choose kindness, love, and gratitude for our bodies, for every beautiful imperfection that makes us unique and whole. It’s easy to want what we don’t have, but let’s not forget to be thankful for the many things that are already ours.

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We all have endless lists of HAVE-to’s in our life. I HAVE to clean my house. I HAVE to workout. I HAVE to make dinner for my family. I HAVE to call my grandma back. I HAVE to go to work. I HAVE to pay my bills. Guess what? You don’t HAVE to do anything. Pay your taxes? Nope, you don’t HAVE to do that. Make sure your kids are fed and have a warm place to sleep? Nope, don’t HAVE to do that either. Are there repercussions for not doing them? Sure. But the truth is that you don’t HAVE to do anything you don’t want to do. Instead of feeling like all these HAVE-to’s are obligations stacking up on your to-do list, consider this: it’s not that you HAVE to do them, it’s that you GET to do them. Heck, you probably even WANT to do them! How lucky I am to have a home that I GET to keep clean and cozy. I’m so thankful for this able body that I GET to move, exercise, and strengthen. I love that each night I GET to make my family a warm, home-cooked meal to enjoy together. I cherish days that I GET to spend time talking with my grandmother. Thank goodness I GET to continue going to work so that I GET to afford the everyday luxuries I take for granted. Everything we do, even if it’s moving the laundry over, is an empowered choice that we GET to make. Life isn’t happening to us, friends. Life is happening for us. Let’s change our HAVE-to’s to GET-to’s and practice an attitude of gratitude.

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Stop saying you’ll start over on Monday. I don’t care if you haven’t exercised in 5 years. I don’t care if you just got done binging a gallon of ice cream on the couch in one sitting. Making a mistake or taking a break doesn’t mean you have to turn around and start over. When we tell ourselves we’re going to start over, we’re making the false assumption that we’ll do it perfectly next time. We think that if we can’t do it flawlessly, then we shouldn’t do it at all. Stop self-sabotaging yourself with your BS all-or-nothing mentality. You get to decide, right now in this moment, to stand back up. You get to choose to learn from your failure and walk through it, only becoming stronger on the other side. This journey has been a long, imperfect one. I’ve given into food urges, I’ve missed workouts, I’ve gained weight just as fast as I’ve lost it. I fail all the freakin’ time. But I always choose to stand back up. Failure is guaranteed, standing back up is a choice. What will you choose for yourself? Size 20 👉🏻 Size 6

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Those big goals you’re reaching for will test you, they will challenge you. You will fall flat on your face and fail, questioning why you even started in the first place. The biggest war you will battle is a war within yourself. You will think about giving up, wonder if it’s worth it, second guess your ability to keep going. It will be hard. I mean really. freaking. hard. But you can do hard things. When it feels tough, like it’s not working fast enough, when you’re tired and unmotivated, and especially when you don’t feel like it – KEEP SHOWING UP. Because your dreams are worth fighting for. Because YOU are worth fighting for. And you, my friend, are a damn warrior. This is what showing up looks like. Goodbye size 20 jeans, hello size 6. Healthy has never felt so good. 💪🏼

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I used to let the excuse of poor genetics be a barrier for taking action, giving away my power to the belief that there was nothing I could do to change my life. But I had to ask myself – is that what I want to pass down to my nieces? To my own kids one day? Hell no. The best thing that happened when I started showing up for myself was the way it inspired the people I love around me to start doing the same. Between my brother and I, we’ve lost 175 pounds in the last year and a half. The only thing that makes me prouder is seeing the way it’s influencing my nieces too. Garrett made Quinn her very own kettlebell and mini pull-up bar by her request so she could be a part of his healthy routines too. When the tide rises, all ships rise with it. Obesity ends here. Believing that I’m a victim to my circumstances ends here. Holding on to excuses that don’t serve me ends here. Regardless of our situation, we ALWAYS have a choice – a choice to stick with the status quo and a choice to grow in the discomfort of change. Get out of your own way, be willing to be uncomfortable, say no to your excuses and yes to challenging what’s possible. Be the rising tide. Choose growth. 💪🏼

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