Žijeme v dobe sociálnych sietí, ktorá do našich životov priniesla dokonalosť, ktorá je ale len naoko. Používame rôzne filtre, aby naše snímky vyzerali čo najlepšie a aby nám ostatní závideli náš úžasný život. Na Instagrame každý deň nachádzame stovky až tisícky perfektných fotiek, no len málokto prizná realitu, ktorá sa za nimi ukrýva. 

Veď priznaj si to sama. Pridala si niekedy na sociálne siete fotku, s ktorou by si ty sama nebola spokojná a nechcela by si, aby ju ostatní videli? S veľkou pravdepodobnosťou nie, všakže? Keďže máme možnosť výberu, veľmi dobre si vždy premyslíme, čo pridáme na Instagram či Facebook. Každá z nás chce vyzerať pred ostatnými čo najlepšie a chce sa pochváliť. A zároveň v kútiku duše túži po tom, aby jej kamarátky trochu závideli.

Blogerka Sara Puhto sa preto rozhodla, že odhalí pravdu, ktorá sa skrýva za dokonalými fotkami na Instagrame. Na fotke totiž môže všetko vyzerať na prvý pohľad úplne inak, než je to v skutočnosti. Jej fotky majú veľký úspech, sleduje ju už takmer 320-tisíc užívateľov. Sara aj napriek tomu, že nemá možno dokonalú postavu, je so sebou spokojná, a to sa snaží šíriť aj medzi ostatných. Nezáleží predsa na tom, koľko vážiš, dôležité je to, aby si sa mala rada taká, aká si.

Instagram vs. realita

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Change the way you see yourself 🌿 The judgement on social media can be so detrimental. I’ve had so many different comments on my body from random people. Some would look at the left picture and say I’m healthy. Others would look at the right picture and think I’ve gained weight and I’ve let myself go. Just posing differently in pictures completely changes the perception of people. So why do we let calculatedly posed pictures on social media of people who are seemingly “perfect” make us feel so down about our own bodies? I used to let this get me down and I still get pangs of envy when I compare my body to people I see on my explore page. But why do we do this? Why do most people strive for a certain body type? We focus all our energy and time towards getting this certain body that we desire, but ignore things like bettering ourselves in terms of how we act and socialise with others. It’s normalised to say things like I’m gonna workout to get abs or a bigger booty. Not as much time and energy is focused on being a kinder person or bettering your outlook on yourself. Abs/being lean aren’t a sign of optimum health. Healthy looks and feels different on everybody. You can’t look at someone and decide whether they’re healthy and happy or not. Remember this and realise that you don’t need to change your body, change the way you see your body and appreciate it for what it is now. You are capable of loving your body no matter what. 🌿 ——————————————————— . . . . #mentalhealthawareness #effyourbeautystandards #lovewhoyouare #beconfident #iambeautiful #flawsandall #bodypositive #nobodyshame

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There’s always certain parts and types of bodies that are idealised and put on a pedestal which makes us dislike certain aspects of ourselves. In photos I constantly suck in my tummy or try and hide it and stick out my booty as much as possible. But why? We’re constantly flooded with photos of “perfection” on social media and see advertisements about ways to change your body to fit a certain idealised body trend. We constantly work on changing our bodies, but why don’t we focus more on changing the way we look at our bodies. Don’t focus on negativity, focus on accepting and loving what you dislike about yourself. You have this body and it allows you to live life. Look at yourself and realise that this is who you are, you are unique, incredible and capable of loving all your quirks. Most of the time we’re harsher on ourselves and our bodies more than anybody else’s. It's hard to remind ourselves that things like tummy rolls, weight gain and bloating are normal things to have and happen to your body. Ignore those thoughts that you have to be or look a certain way. You don’t have to workout like crazy and eat clean in order to wear a bikini on your next holiday to look good in photos, you don’t have to stress about going on a diet to wear certain clothing. Focus that energy on realising that you already are and have what you are trying to achieve because you and your body are already capable of these things, we just have to strip the idea that you have to change your body to achieve these things. We should all allow ourselves to experience life to the fullest without the fear of judgement about our bodies, by ourselves or by others. 🌿 ——————————————————— . . . Picture credit: @ritapuhtophotography . . #mentalhealthawareness #effyourbeautystandards #lovewhoyouare #beconfident #flawsandall #bodypositive #nobodyshame

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Instagram booty 🌿 Theres such a huge obsession with having a big booty and getting the perfect insta pic nowadays. All these Instagram photos of perfect bums used to make me insecure about mine and felt like I needed to gym like crazy to have one as well. But with majority of these photos it all comes down to posing. I had to sit in the most uncomfortable and unnatural position to get the left photo. Let’s not even get started on the pain of this bikini wedgie. I remember going to the beach and stressing about not looking good in photos or seeing a bad photo and thinking “omg this is the worst thing. I shouldn’t be in a bikini.” But don’t let small things like this get to you. Getting a good insta picture and likes don’t dictate your worth. Getting a specific body type won’t suddenly make you happy. You’ll always find a reason to be unhappy unless you work on appreciating yourself and the body you have now first. You have to realise that you are a person with insecurities like everyone else. Your body is incredible the way it is and we really are our own worst critics. So don’t be so hard on yourself. Don’t change your body. Change the way you look at your body. This is a thing I also have to work on. 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #loveyourbody #selfesteem #lawofattraction #thankyourbody #youareworthit #youareunique #flaws #insecurities

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Instagram isn’t reality 🌿 I know most of us are aware that Instagram can be extremely fake but we don’t remember the extent of it all the time. I put on make up, put on this dress and stood out in -7°C to take a Christmas photos where I was actually freezing. Then took off the make up and changed into sweatpants after the photo. We choose the best photos out of hundreds and only show our highlights on social media. Don’t forget this and don’t compare yourself or your life to highlights that are posted on someone’s Instagram. Whether that be someone’s seemingly flawless face, body, relationship, house or holiday. You are valid and amazing the way you are and comparing yourself to others will only make you feel like you aren’t good enough. Which isn’t true. So keep doing you bb, you’re amazing 🌴☀️ —————————————– . . . #instagramvsreality #socialmediaisnotreallife #positiveaffirmations #selfempowerment

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Christmas dinner guilt 🌿 The first photo was taken before eating any food, the second was taken after eating lots of Christmas food, and the third photo was taken the next day, today, before eating. Eating lots of food one night won’t change your body permanently so you shouldn’t feel any guilt or stress about anything!! It’s normal for your tummy to expand when you eat lots of food!! It’ll go back down the next day! Everyone’s body goes through these changes differently and that’s okay!! Eat what you want without worrying! Don’t let food control you. Don’t punish yourself or feel guilty for eating food, food is meant to fuel you and it’s meant to be something that’s enjoyed, it’s not meant to make you upset. So please don’t skip out on meals or events because of guilt. Do what makes you happy and satisfied!! Treat yourself, life’s too short to count every calorie and worry about the healthiness of every meal. Don’t beat yourself up for eating unhealthy or eating a lot because you aren’t doing anything wrong, you deserve to be happy with your body and love it no matter what!! So please don’t stress about eating!! Enjoy your holidays with your loved ones and cherish today!! PS: I’m Finnish and celebrated Christmas yesterday, that’s why I already had my Christmas dinner PPS: I wore this dress mainly for the photos and dinner, and didn’t sleep in it 🙃 —————————————— . . . #christmasdinner #foodbaby #loveyourself #youreworthy #merrychristmas #loveyourbody #eatinggood #stopcomparing

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Instagram vs reality 🌿 Society has put this idea in our minds that abs and having a flat tummy is the end goal, that that’s what perfection and beauty looks like and what we should strive for. I thought if I have abs I’ll never have tummy fat. They don’t tell you that having tummy fat is normal and that it’ll always be there. They tell you to get rid of it and be insecure about it. Nobody ever teaches you to love and accept it. Everyone has tummy fat and it’s completely normal, you don’t have to stress out about it. Next time you feel your tummy against your thighs or bunching over your jeans, instead of hating your body and thinking you need to lose it in order to feel better, realize that it’s completely normal and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It doesn’t change your worth, intelligence, competence or personality. You are amazing the way you are and don’t need to constantly put so much pressure on yourself to look a certain way that has been idealized into your mind. You are worthy and good enough just the way you are. 🌴☀️ —————————————– . . . #instagramvsreality #tummyfat #selflove #loveyourbody #spreadlove #lifelessons #stopcomparing #youaregoodenough

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Embrace your body 🌿 You know that feeling when you lie down and your tummy feels flat, but the second you get up and your tummy fat bunches together, touches your thighs, and all of a sudden you find yourself feeling insecure? Why does one body positioning make us feel different, or even worse about ourselves? Why do we always try and make ourselves look as small as possible? Why do we worry about little things like gaining weight, tummy fat, stretch marks, etc? All these things are normal and happen. Why is it the second our tummy fat bundles that we feel bad? Why has society made us think this? You’re still the same person, with the same body. This positioning doesn’t change who you are, therefore it shouldn’t make you feel bad about your body. Next time you catch yourself feeling insecure about this, don’t worry. It is completely normal and happens to everyone. Just realise that you shouldn’t feel as insecure about it as you do, because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter as much as you think. You are beautiful and worthy and that won’t change due to having the body you have. 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #embracethesquish #youareworthy #stopcomparing #bikinibodies #bodyimage #loveyourbody #bodyacceptance

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Negative thoughts 🌿 Whenever I went to the beach or a pool, I would suck in and sit really unnaturally to make myself look as small as possible because I was insecure about my tummy because I thought it was “too big”. I would think that if I worked out enough or ate healthy enough that I would just start feeling better about how I looked. The truth is, when I worked out and ate healthy I just kept thinking I need to do more and what I was doing wasn’t enough. I only started feeling comfortable in my skin when I realized everyone had these thoughts. Everyone has insecurities. Most people suck in their tummies, flex constantly or sit in an uncomfortable way or hide their insecurities to make themselves “look better”. But there is nothing wrong or unnatural about how we look without these things. Our relaxed bodies are normal, they look good!!! We should all just slowly start flaunting our insecurities. Because the more people that sit without sucking in their tummies, or start posting photos of themselves not sucking in/flexing, we can start becoming comfortable with the idea that our bodies are actually completely fine and beautiful the way they are. Next time you’re in a bikini or in swimming shorts, just relax your body, don’t worry about how you look!!! You could be helping someone else who is insecure by relaxing your body and helping them realise that they shouldn’t care about what other people think either! The thing that needs changing is the way we view our bodies and insecurities!! 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #bikinibody #bikiniready #instagramvsreality #noshameinmygame

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Confidence 🌿 Don’t feel like you need to look “Instagram worthy” to post a photo. What even is being Instagram worthy? Don’t feel like there is one type of body that you need to have in order to feel confident. Don’t let society brainwash you into thinking certain things on your body aren’t normal or okay. I feel like nowadays it's difficult to not compare ourselves to photos we see on media and the unrealistic images it portrays majority of the time, due to photoshop, posing, lighting etc. We need to realize that these images are not a realistic depiction of bodies and the diversity of people in society. We all come in different shapes and sizes and it's impossible for us to conform to a certain body shape. Your uniqueness makes you special. It makes you beautiful and you shouldn't feel the need to change yourself to love yourself. Start complimenting yourself and realizing how amazing you truly are. Don't go on crash diets and force yourself to workout to obtain a certain “goal weight or body shape”. We are all different and that's completely okay!! Embrace your body and love yourself no matter what that negative voice in your head tells you!! 🌴☀️ —————————————— . . . #confidenceiskey #beautystandards #bodydysmorphia #dietculture #healthateverysize #bodyimagemovement #losehatenotweight

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