
Do boja proti koronavírusu sa rozhodli zapojiť aj svetové značky, či už finančnou pomocou alebo vyrábaním potrebného materiálu.


Luxusná značka Louis Vuitton oznámila 8. apríla na svojom instagramovom profile, že niektoré z ich fashion workshopov vyrábajú rúška, ktoré sa majú venovať najmä zdravotníkom.

V závere popisu ďakujú remeselníkom, ktorí sa rozhodli dobrovoľne pomôcť vytvoriť tieto masky a, samozrejme, aj tým, ktorí sa podieľajú v boji proti tejto celosvetovej pandémii.


Michael Kors značka venovala 2 milióny dolárov organizáciám v New Yorku, ktoré pomáhajú a bojujú proti koronavírusu.

Samotný Michael sa vyjadril na instagramovom profile značky MK, že New York bol a vždy bude jeho domovom, preto sa rozhodol pomôcť a venoval veľkú sumu práve organizáciám v jeho rodnom meste.

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I have lived in New York all my life—the city has been my home for over 40 years and it’s where I founded my business. Among the many things that I love about New York and New Yorkers is their strength and unwavering resilience in times of crisis. For a city as big as it is, there’s always been a strong sense of community.  It’s heartbreaking to see what is happening here in my hometown, which is currently an epicenter of the virus, and the impact this outbreak is having on people in our city and around the world.  I commend everyone working on the frontlines in our health care centers and thank you for your dedication to helping others. -xo MK Michael Kors the brand, along with personal contributions from founder and Chief Creative Officer Michael Kors and CEO John Idol, will be donating $2 million towards local COVID-19 relief efforts. The contributions will support two of NYC’s largest hospital systems—NYU Langone Health and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. Additionally, it will provide assistance to our longtime partner @GodsLoveNYC, a local non-profit delivering nutritious meals to people living with severe illnesses, who are especially vulnerable during this time, and A Common Thread, the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund for COVID-19 Relief that provides financial relief to small businesses in the fashion community.

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Skims, značka spodného prádla, ktorú vlastní Kim Kardashian West venovala 1 milión dolárov ako pomoc pre rodiny postihnuté koronavírusom.


Luxusný taliansky módny dom Prada venoval obrovské množstvo peňazí do troch milánskych nemocníc: San Rafaelle, Sacco a Vittore Buzzi.


Podľa vyhlásenia Nike nadácie: „Nike nadácia a Nike venujú viac ako 17 miliónov dolárov po celom svete na boj proti koronavírusu“.

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With love, Your Nike Family

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Ralph Lauren daroval 10 miliónov dolárov na pomoc proti koronavírusu.

Najnovšie sa táto značka pomáhať aj inak ako finančne – darujú 250 tisíc rúšok a 250 tisíc lekárskych plášťov.

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We recognize with deep gratitude the extraordinary courage and contributions of frontline workers around the world. To help protect them and the many other heroes on our front lines, the Ralph Lauren Corporate Foundation has partnered with the @CFDA Foundation to donate 250,000 masks and 25,000 isolation gowns. These past two weeks, we have transformed part of our supply chain to start manufacturing machine-washable masks and isolation gowns with several of our factory partners in the U.S. We will start delivering these masks and gowns this week. Thank you to our teams, our suppliers, and the many others who have helped make this project possible. To find out how you can also take action and support health workers on the front lines, visit #WHWWeek

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