Zázraky sa niekedy naozaj dejú. A jeden sme objavili aj na instagramovom profile mladej budúcej mamičky Breanny Lockwood. Háčik je ale v tom, že Breanna sa síce stane mamou, ale dieťa jej vynosí a porodí jej vlastná mama, 51-ročná Julie Loving.

Breanna je so svojím manželom Aaronom už štvrtý rok, pričom už od začiatku veľmi túžili po spoločnom bábätku. To sa im ale nedarilo, pretože Breanna dvakrát spontánne potratila. Podstúpili rôzne testy a doktori nemali veľmi dobré vyhliadky. Preto sa rozhodli, že vyskúšajú náhradné materstvo.

Náhradné materstvo spočíva v tom, že náhradná matka vynosí biologické dieťa dvojice, ktorá sa pre tento zákrok rozhodne. Všetko prebieha pod prísnym dohľadom lekárov. Ako napísala sama Breanna na svojom Instagrame, dieťatko bolo urobené vďaka veľkej láske a trochu vede.

„Najväčšia opora v mojom živote nám dáva najväčšie požehnanie. Moja nádherná mama vynosí svoje prvé vnúčatko. Zdieľanie tohto dobrodružstva s mojou mamou bola najunikátnejšia a úžasná skúsenosť,“ napísala Breanna v príspevku, v ktorom sa podelila o tento jedinečný príbeh.

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you ladies heard it first! but announced today on our personal page. This was a big step for me. Thinking and praying for each and every one of you! They say, “It takes a village to raise a child”, but for some it can take a village to HAVE a child… ⠀ ⠀ We are happy to announce, finally, …⠀ BABY LOCKWOOD IS ON THE WAY! ⠀ ⠀ Made with a lot of love, and a little bit of science…⠀ Baby Lockwood will be brought into this world via GESTATIONAL CARRIER, and this little miracle’s carrier is quite a special one. ⠀ ⠀ MY MOM.⠀ My mom will be carrying and delivering our baby!⠀ ⠀ The biggest supporter in my life is giving us our biggest blessing. My beautiful mama is carrying her first grandchild, Aaron and my biological child, as a gestational carrier!⠀ ⠀ Aaron and I had our reproductive DNA taken, fertilized, tested, and frozen via IVF, as my mom breezed through every preliminary test she took, to be able to give us this gift. Defying the odds at 51 years old, she’s pushing reproductive science out of the box, as ONE of only a handful of surrogates NATIONWIDE to deliver their grandchild via gestational surrogacy!⠀ ⠀ The trials and tribulations of infertility was undoubtedly the hardest venture we have had to face in our lives. ⠀ ⠀ In short that included…⠀ ⠀ 1311 days⠀ 476 injections⠀ 64 blood draws⠀ 7 surgical procedures ⠀ 3 rounds of harvesting eggs⠀ 19 frozen embryos ⠀ 8 IVF frozen embryo transfers total⠀ 4 failed embryo transfers⠀ 1 singleton miscarriage⠀ 1 twin miscarriage ⠀ 1 ectopic pregnancy ⠀ Countless tears⠀ ⠀ Sharing this adventure with my mom has been the most unique and amazing experience. Surrogacy is truly the most selfless gift. She is the pure example of “you would do anything for your kids”, and if i can even be half of the mother she is, I know i’m doing something right…⠀ ⠀ I want to give a special thanks to Dr. Kaplan with @fertilitycentersofillinois for his compassion and care in this field.⠀ ⠀ Baby Lockwood we can’t wait to meet you…⠀ See you in November!

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Julie je momentálne v 21. týždni tehotenstva a všetko zatiaľ prebieha bez problémov, niekedy ale býva dosť unavená. Aj napriek svojmu veku je vo veľmi dobrej fyzickej kondícii, v roku 2016 a 2018 zabehla maratón a venovala sa tiež triatlonu. Doktori už dokonca prezradili aj pohlavie bábätka. Už v novembri sa tešia na príchod malého dievčatka.

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Baby GIRL you are so loved 💕

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Keďže ide o netypický prípad náhradného materstva, Julie musela hneď na začiatku podstúpiť rôzne testy a vyšetrenia, ktoré zahŕňali EKG, stresový test, glukózový test, meranie cholesterolu, zistenie jej krvného obrazu a taktiež musela podstúpiť psychologické skúšky. Doktori si museli byť istí, že takúto záťaž vydrží a nijak sa to nepodpíše ani na jej psychickom zdraví.

V týchto dňoch si mama s dcérou užívajú tehotenstvo a tešia sa na príchod bábätka. Breanna sa rozhodla podeliť s príbehom, aby inšpirovala aj iné dvojice, ktoré majú problémy s otehotnením.

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Half way through the pregnancy and my mom has said it’s felt super comparable to her pregnancies with her own kids. ⁣ ⁣ The only major symptom she has felt is superrr tired! I mean really, in that first trimester i’ve never seen a person sleep so much! She had some slight nausea, but overall very mild and easy! ⁣ ⁣ We transferred our little frozen embryo on Feb 25th, and then the next week the world shut down due to COVID-19. The unknowns with the virus and pregnancy were super scary… especially at such a fragile time in the first trimester. We spent our days watching ‘Dance Moms’ on the couch from start to finish 😂. How did Abby Lee Miller’s screaming voice somehow ease my anxiety? Not really sure?? lol⁣ ⁣ Mom has still only been to a few stores since March and is taking all the precautions to stay safe! ⁣ ⁣ Pictured is my mamas youngest baby, a King Charles Cavalier named Ruby, who took advantage of mama staying still in one place with all the snuggles! #surrogacyjourney #surrogategrandma #ivfjourney #surrogacyislove #mommyinfluencer #instagood #momsofinstagram #infertilityawareness #infertilitysupport #surrogacyannouncement #pregnancyjourney #ivfpregnancy #surrogatepregnancy

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⁣⁣ 20 WEEKS!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Half way there!! Last week we went to a suburb of the city to a place called The Belly Factory! It’s a place where you can get a few extra sneak peaks of your little one on ultrasound! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We had a great experience and the tech was super cute and explained every little detail and took her time. A sweet friend called ahead and bought us a bear that they put a recording of her heartbeat in! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ I held it together inside but when i got to the car the waterworks began. Cried and just let it out, it felt so good to see her little face and fingers and toes. Mama was being a mom to me again, rubbing my back consoling me. Good to know moms are moms no matter how old you get. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Forever there for their babies, just like i plan to be!⁣ ⁣ Raw and real, but happy tears! #surrogacyjourney #surrogategrandma #ivfjourney #surrogacyislove #mommyinfluencer #instagood #momsofinstagram #infertilityawareness #infertilitysupport #surrogacyannouncement #pregnancyjourney #ivfpregnancy #surrogatepregnancy

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