27-ročná Alma Torres to v živote nemala jednoduché. Spočiatku žila život ako každé mladé dievča, no keď mala 15 rokov, jej zdravotný stav sa začal meniť. Ako uviedol portál Bolde, až do jej osemnástky nevedela, čo jej je. Po návštevách doktorov však bola diagnóza jasná – syndróm polycystických vaječníkov.

Ide o ochorenie, ktoré spôsobuje problémy s otehotnením, prípadne aj úplnú neplodnosť. V ženskom organizme sa nachádza viac testosterónu, než je normálne, čo spôsobuje napríklad aj nadmerné ochlpenie. Alma sa dlhé roky snažila chlpov zbavovať, no vždy znovu narástli.

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I showed my mom this and she’s like “I don’t like it.” Lol I told her “you and me both, but this is no longer me.” I loveeee me some scarves… I remember it got to a point at work that I’d wear them all day… from the moment I walk out my house till the time I come back home and it didn’t bother me… My love for scarves started in the year 2014 but this was taken March-May 2015. I had a reason for wearing it though. The reason ended up being my face being shaved, I also wanted to hide from the parents what was going on. In my mind it was always “who would leave their child with me if they knew I grew facial hair?” It’s out of my control but I didn’t get it at that point. I felt like I was a problem and that I wouldn’t be setting a great example if I let anyone see my facial hair. I should’ve known that me growing my beard out does not affect my work ethic. I used to carry my emergency razor everywhere I went. The fresh cut was always my chin, the scarf used to rub against it and get caught. ( I kid you not! ) it was all the time, it was sooo uncomfortable but it had to be hidden. I would feel it growing in and I’d grab my whole bag, to either wait till someone comes in or call the front for a bathroom break. I felt as if they can see what I saw & that was the scariest. Those parents were the best and loved me for me and how they’re child was cared for. I wish I would’ve noticed that then, but instead I’d come home crying because “growing facial hair, wasn’t normal.” I also used to take advantage of my scarf and wear my headphones that were able to be hidden all day. Blast music and its coming from my scarf or make calls and no one would know. 🤷🏻‍♀️ To my parents that have me on fb, thank you. Even though I no longer care for your children, I still have you guys and you’ve seen me through my journey of 2 years and didn’t judge (unless you did) lol but you’re still rocking with me. I love and miss my little ones always💚 xoxo to my not so little babies!

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Keď mala 23 rokov, rozhodla sa, že sa už viac nebude ukrývať a hanbiť sa za seba, ale že sa prijme taká, aká je. Dopomohla jej k tomu aj iná žena s rovnakou diagnózou, ktorá sa prestala holiť. Alma si teda nechala narásť bradu, aj keď vedela, že bude musieť znášať neustále posmešky, šuškanie či nechápavé pohľady okolia.

Dnes je z nej ale sebavedomá mladá žena, ktorá je inšpiráciou pre ostatné ženy, ktoré si neveria a myslia si, že nie sú dosť dobré. Ona sama je jasným dôkazom toho, že každá žena môže byť krásna a sebavedomá.


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