Porucha príjmu potravy aj v súčasnosti patrí k najčastejším mentálnym chorobám. So svojím životným príbehom sa na portále Love What Matters podelila aj 21-ročná Jessie, ktorá kedysi trpela anorexiou, no dostala sa z nej a dnes vedie plnohodnotný život.

Jessie mala spočiatku dokonalé detstvo a milujúcich rodičov. Keď mala 4 roky, rozhodla sa, že chce tancovať. Rodičia ju v tom podporili, pretože oni sami sa venovali rôznym športom. Tanec sa stal jej vášňou, no aj napriek tomu trpela úzkostnou poruchou. Ráno sa nedokázala postaviť z postele a ísť do školy, preto vyhľadali aj lekársku pomoc. Podľa výsledkov bola Jessie po fyzickej stránke úplne v poriadku.

Prvý zlom prišiel, keď mala 7 rokov a pochytil ju najväčší panický záchvat, aký doposiaľ mala. Plakala, kričala, triasla sa, ťažko sa jej dýchalo a neskôr sa k tomu pridali aj bolesti brucha. Keď mala 10 či 11 rokov, začala pociťovať väčšiu úzkosť a tlak. Chcela byť najlepšou študentkou, najlepšou dcérou a najlepšou tanečnicou. Začala sa porovnávať s ostatnými dievčatami, ktoré jej pripadali chudšie a krajšie než ona, no opak bol pravdou.

Kvôli svojej vychudnutosti v 11 rokoch utrpela zlomeniny obidvoch nôh a musela ležať dlhých 11 týždňov. Počas toho obdobia trochu viac jedla a aj trochu pribrala, začala sa cítiť lepšie aj šťastnejšie. Keď sa ale po vyliečení chcela vrátiť k tancu, učiteľka jej povedala, že musí schudnúť, viac cvičiť a viac behať.

Od tejto doby to s Jessie išlo dole kopcom. Naozaj začala viac cvičiť, obmedzila sladké a keď bola hladná, na oklamanie žalúdka si dala len čiernu kávu. Pomaly začala vynechávať všetky sacharidy a bielkoviny, jediné jedlo, ktoré zjedla, bola tekvica so šampiňónmi a trochou paradajkovej omáčky bez cukru. Učiteľka ju chválila, že čím je chudšia, tým lepšie vyzerá.

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OMG WISH ME LUCK I’m going to need it 😅 Today is one of the scariest days of my life but it marks the start of a new chapter. Today I AM GOING INPATIENT omg so much no so much yes ahhhhh I know deep down that I am unable to help myself at the moment I am putting my life at serious risk and in turn hurting the ones I love most I need to do this !! Of course the ED in my head doesn’t want to go at all but we are pushing through LETS DO THIS! it’s going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done but it’s time hopefully inpatient will set me on the right path. So sorry if I’m MIA for a while I’ll be back. I hope everyone has a fabulous day keep shining your sunshine and smiles ! Love and light Jessie 💕☀️ #recovery #dog #sneakydog #love #life #happiness #progress #health #anorexia #mentalhealth #love #selflove

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Aj keď všetci naokolo videli, že Jessie trpí anorexiou, ona sama si to nechcela priznať. Nevadilo jej ani to, že jej je veľké detské oblečenie. V lete trávila celé dni schúlená pod dekou, v depresii a bez smiechu. V týchto dňoch sa bála zjesť aj žuvačku, aby z nej nepribrala. Napokon skončila niekoľkokrát v nemocnici na umelej výžive, neskôr bola aj na psychiatrii a trvalo naozaj dlho, kým sa zo svojej choroby dostala. Našťastie mala pri sebe milujúcich rodičov a priateľov, ktorí ju podporovali.

Dnes je z Jessie úplne iný človek. Na Instagrame šíri myšlienku body positive a dokonca aj ona sama pribrala a momentálne sa nehanbí ani za svoje krivky, ktoré pravidelne s hrdosťou zdieľa. Pomaly sa naučila milovať svoje telo a je šťastná. Ak si prejdeš jej Instagram, sama uvidíš, ako sa menila. Na úplne prvej pridanej fotke je samá kosť a koža a ako mesiace plynuli, pekne vidieť, že jej tvár sa začala zaobľovať a rovnako tak aj jej telo. Jej príbeh by mal byť inšpiráciou pre všetky mladé dievčatá, ktoré sa pasujú s rovnakými problémami. Je dôležité vyhľadať pomoc, inak vás to môže stáť aj život.

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When a coffee, chocolate and cookie enthusiast is set loose in the kitchen this is what happens 😂 I bring to you my chewy mocha cookies !!! Be careful these are VERY more-ish I ate 5 in one sitting and I have NO REGRETS about it. Diet culture says that’s “bad” but I say it’s “BLOODY BRILLIANT”!!!!! These are vegan, gluten free, ibs friendly, gastritis friendly and super easy to make !! INGREDIENTS * 1 1/2 cup of oats * 2 bananas mashed * 4 BIG tbsp of @nuttvia vegan chic spread * Sweetener of choice – sugar, maple syrup whatever you love, I used a few big squeezes of maple syrup * 1 cup of plant milk I used @sogoodau * 4 shots of coffee or about 4 tsp of instant – more or less depending on your coffee tolerance 😂 * 1/2 cup of cocoa powder * 2 tsp of baking powder * Pinch of salt METHOD Literally mix it all up and bake for 20 ish minutes….. then devour !!!!! If you try these out tag me ! AND ALSO lick the bowl, eat them just because at whatever time of day and feel no guilt, you are beautiful and deserve the delicious food. Love and light Jessie😊💕☀️ . . . . #gastritis #gastritisdiet #ibs #fodmap #fodmapdiet #fodmaprecipes #ibsfriendly #ibsawareness

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Reminiscing on the days I could sit at one of my favourite cafes @suburbanwholefoods for brunch with a friend but hey ho it will all pass. Nothing is permanent and the light WILL shine again. Until then I’m recreating lots of my favourite cafe and restaurant foods at home and having lots of fun with it ! And then sometimes treating myself to a cheeky take away, it’s fun for me and supports local business. Here I have the smashed pumpkin with hummus on sourdough, omg to die for !!! . . I actually judged this photo at first because I thought I looked “puffy” or “fuller” but after more rational thinking I can now clearly see that the only thing full about this photo is that I’m FULL OF LIFE!!! Beautiful, pure, happy, LIFE!!! Oh and I guess I’m also full of pumpkin, hummus and bread but what a blessing that is 😂😂 . . Usually I would go for the smashed avo but due to gastroperesis and IBS I opted for the pumpkin as it’s easier on my gut. I’ll update you all on my gut issues in an upcoming post as I’ve had many many many questions about it so I’ll do a whole thing. BUT a short personal update… I’m going great ! Sick of iso but aren’t we all ! Mentally and physically I feel great ! I’m currently working REALLY hard on self love and educating myself more on body acceptance, set point and health at every size because they are all REAL THINGS!!! . . If no one has told you today, you are beautiful on the inside and out! If your struggling at this time for whatever reason, mental health, stress from losing your job, the general state of the world. Please reach out to a friend or trusted person, we all need to support each other right now ! Yes we can’t go to a cafe for brunch BUT we can get a take away brunch and face time a friend while enjoying the goods! Stay sassy ! Love and light Jessie😊💕☀️

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Me and my beautiful belly are digging into this amazing bowl of nourishing goodness. You can’t actually see any of the food because it’s covered in @yumisdips hummus. If I don’t stop at this rate I’ll be coming out of isolation as a chickpea !! I’ve been eating SO much hummus. Something I used to be scared of but not anymore ! It’s too good to be scared of ! Today I started the day with my gratitude practice and then a face time with friends. Can I just say that it set me up for a glorious happy day !! . . I used to hate my belly but now I’m working to feel neutral about it. I bedazzled it with a piercing and that helped a bit. Now I’m focusing on the fact that it’s actually quite a strong belly ! It might not look like your typical “strong” belly but it actually is !! I can now complete my Pilates 100 with straight legs !! Good job belly your doing me proud and I love you and all the yummy food inside you !! Stay happy, stay safe and stay well I’m thinking of all of you out there, your not alone at this crazy time I promise. Live and light Jessie😊💕☀️ . . P.s in my bowl is Cous Cous, vegeta seasoning, chickpea curry, spinach, cauliflower and @yumisdips hummus AND my outfit is @cottonon @cottononbody . . #bodypositive #selflove #bodypositivemovement #healthateverysize #loveyourself #edrecovery #edrecoverywarrior #anorexianervosarecovery #anorexiafighter #hsecoach #health #healthcoach #vegan #vegetarian #veganrecipes #veganfood #gratitude #gratitudeattitude #yoga #pilates #meditation

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