Dokážeš si vôbec predstaviť svoj život bez žiletiek či epilátora? Každá z nás chce vyzerať čo najlepšie a pravidelne sa tak zbavujeme svojich chĺpkov. Spoločnosť je totiž momentálne nastavená tak, že ochlpenie je nežiaduce a určite nepatrí na verejnosť. Zakladateľka kampane Januhairy pre portál Standard prezradila, prečo sa rozhodla šíriť túto myšlienku. 

Pred desiatkami rokov bolo ochlpenie prirodzenou súčasťou všetkých žien a nerobili nič pre to, aby sa ho zbavovali. Možno sa ešte tvoja starká či prastarká drží týchto tradícií a na žiletku dnes ani nepomyslí. Študentka Laura Jackson sa preto rozhodla vytvoriť kampaň Januhairy a vyzýva ženy po celom svete, aby sa počas januára vzdali žiletiek, netrápili sa odstraňovaním chĺpkov a aby sa predovšetkým nehanbili. Tento rok ide už o druhý ročník tejto kampane, ktorá sa teší pomerne veľkému úspechu.

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@jamiesquire_ ~ “Today I’m sharing this pic of my hairy bod and donating in support of @januhairy who are raising money for @treesisters_official to aid in protecting and restoring vital tree plantations and funding reforestation to help fight the climate crisis. 🌳🌳🌳 . Please consider joining in with Januhairy! Share a pic of your bod hair if you feel comfortable to and include a link to the fundraising page. Spread the word and if you can afford to donate to TreeSisters please do! . You can read more and donate to the cause here: or follow the link in @januhairy’s bio. . Also, I want to acknowledge here that, although it’s a subject I’ve been loud about in the past, my relationship to my body hair and talking about it online has changed since my old comics. The longer I leave my body hair alone the more I recognise the mundanity of my decision. That doesn’t mean there is no value in talking about body hair online, only that I’ve come to realise that sharing images of my bod has little to no consequence for me as a white cisgender person. I like talking about body hair but I’m not radical nor am I pushing things forward by sharing images like this one. I’m working on some writing/maybe a comic to try to expand on this and make these thoughts more coherent, with some information on ways to help move things forward. I’m still learning and always open to criticism. Thanks for reading pals. 🦔 NOW GO DONATE TO TREESISTERS AND THIS IMPORTANT CAUSE! 🌍” ❤️🌱

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A všetko pritom vzniklo úplnou náhodou. Laura prezradila, že kvôli svojej role v divadelnom predstavení sa na istý čas musela prestať holiť a kým jej to spočiatku nebolo veľmi príjemné, po čase si uvedomila, že sa tak cíti slobodná a miluje každú časť svojho tela. A práve akceptovanie seba samej a prijatie chĺpkov ako prirodzenej súčasti života je hlavným cieľom šírenia tejto kampane.

Ženy po celom svete sa vďaka kampani Januhairy cítia slobodnejšie a ignorujú všetky spoločenské tlaky, ktoré sa kladú na ženy. Možno aj ty sa počas čítania zamýšľaš nad tým, prečo a hlavne pre koho sa vlastne my ženy musíme holiť. Je predsa na každej jednej, ako bude so svojím telom zaobchádzať.

Kampaň sa, samozrejme, stretla s rôznymi názormi a niektorí ľudia ju veľmi kritizovali. Na sociálnych sieťach sa tak začali objavovať mnohé nenávistné komentáre, v ktorých ľudia nazývali túto kampaň nechutnou, ba až chorou. Aj napriek všetkému ale kampaň Januhairy pokračovať bude a zakladateľka Laura chce docieliť, aby sa ochlpenie stalo normálnou vecou a nebolo tabu. Žiletky ale nezavrhuje, no je na každej žene a jej slobodnej vôli, ako sa rozhodne so svojím telom naložiť.

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Three days in to the world wide #januhairy movement, combating social pressures on what it means to be a ‘Woman’, or any identity for that matter, whilst raising money for @treesisters_official 🌱 protecting and restoring our natural habitat, as well as our bodies. How is your januhairy going so far? ‘Wait what? It’s januhairy 3rd already? Damn, isn’t it too late to join in?’ Umm NO OF COURSE NOT 🎉This is all about your individual experiences within the empowering community of Januhairy! Start now, start next week; you’re still spreading our message and challenging yourself and, in turn, fucking with the patriarchy… Visit ‘januhairy . org’ (without the spaces) for more info on the movement and the charity involved. Photo from @neonmoon whose products we are very excited to be involved with in our upcoming photo shoot! ’Waaat? A photo shoot? Wow!’. Yup, we are hosting a Januhairy photo shoot this weekend in London celebrating all beautiful hairy bodies!! There will for sure be a few little teasers on our stories all throughout the day, so keep your eyes peeled 👀 Hairy hugs!

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“There was this time where puberty was just commencing and gifted me a full-blown pube-stache, and to be given a razor to snip it off was a dream. I was thrilled to remove my hair and have baby soft, hairless skin. I was excited to finally be "beautiful". Until this little fantasy turned into a nightmare. Wherein I found myself disgusting. And if I couldn't wax it off, I shaved it all. If I was too lazy to do it, I just wouldn't go out. Because I couldn't look like that when I was going out, could I? I associated myself with something untidy, unpleasant, and loving myself turned into this tedious task because I couldn't. Until I was spotless. I had to be spotless every day. I couldn't miss a patch. I couldn't feel like a "cactus". I couldn't have them calling me a cactus. Because that's how it should be, right? Because that's what they said, that's what they like. I now know I could. I could grow, and be just the way I am and be loved for it. I want to grow. And I want you to see. That I'm done. I'm wild and goddamn free.” ~ @eleanorysabelle by @jackiemaz94 via @hara_thelabel #januhairy #feminine #acceptyourself #feminist #challengeyourthoughts

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"There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty."~Steve Maraboli • • • @i_am_morgie~ “…Imagine if everyone just decided that today was the day they loved themselves and embraced every part of them selves. Accepting and loving your body and your "flaws" because you know they are what makes you who you are. If you are focused on being true to yourself in every moment, you are less concerned what others think, which will lead to peace of mind. When you have nothing to hide and you can freely be yourself, there is a profound peace/confidence you will emanate to the world that will inspire others.”👏 • • • All the girls joining in januhairy are shaving off their body hair on New Year’s Eve (Monday 31st) ready to kick start the new year with a new challenge! We have many women who have signed up for this charity project so far, from the age range of 16-60! ✨💃✨💃 Sign up and join in while you can! #3daysleft #januhairy #thenaturalrevolution #bodyhairmovement #bodypositive #spreadlove #behappy #namaste#hairywomen #healing #healthylifestyle #selfcare #loveyourself #beyourself #bethechange #divine #inspireothers #inspirationalquotes #positivity #goodvibesonly #lifeisbeautiful #hairy #gratitude #weareone #higherconsciousness #freespirit #empowerment #smile #feelgood #bodygossip

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