, cusonlo

To, čo sa posledné dni a týždne deje v Austrálii, sa dotýka nás všetkých. Nielen že to ovplyvňuje a do budúcna ovplyvní klímu, ale predovšetkým sa ukázalo, že pre dobrú vec sme ochotní spojiť sa a pomôcť. Veď ako inak by sa dali popísať milióny dolárov, ktoré sa spoločne vyzbierali na pomoc miestam postihnutých požiarmi.

Najviac sa nás dotkli ale správy o miliónoch uhynutých zvierat, medzi ktorými sa nachádzali už aj tak ohrozené koaly či kengury. Určite si aj ty na internete zahliadla fotografie obhorených tiel, ktoré obleteli celý svet a pri pohľade na nich sa nám tisli slzy do očí.

Ľudia po celom svete sa aj teraz spojili a vytvorili viaceré ilustrácie, ktoré zachytávajú smutné udalosti v Austrálii. Pri pohľade na ne ti určite nebude všetko jedno.

Najkrajšie a dojímavé ilustrácie o katastrofe v Austrálii

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#saveaustralia I really wanted to show you the salvation of the Child and Mother, that everything went well, that nature heard us, and the long-awaited rain began. But… for give me. It’s very sad. I want you and I to understand that we are not alone on this planet. Man should not assert himself in his superiority from other creatures of nature. Don’t say that the fires are due to the dry season. This's all a lie! These fires are a reflection of our relationship to nature itself: ruthless and cruel. They are not familiar with compassion and sympathy. Unfortunately, it's… But if these eyes of the baby Who has just lost her Mother touched your hearts even a little, then that says a lot. So not everything is lost yet. So we still retained our humanity. Please, take care of nature and animals🙏 . . . #saveanimals #saveplanetearth

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25 people. 1 billion animals. 25 thousand koalas. 10.7 million hectares. Numbers still rising. I couldn’t stay quiet, but I couldn’t move either. This world is turning scarier by the minute, darker, burning either due to fires or wars. Many know about Australia’s bushfires, burning up for over 4 months now and there’s no prediction on when this hell will end. Do you know what can never end though? Hope. Faith. Love. Actions. We all feel in our hearts the weight of doing what we are doing to our planet and all living beings who live here with us. A massive weight but this can’t be it. We use our hands to do evil, but also to do good. So let’s wake up and do something. Even the smallest thing can make the difference. Sorry for this long post but I’ve been feeling so… I had to do something. Let’s raise awareness together, let’s use our voices in this community, let’s donate even with 1 euro or dollar or anything, let’s volunteer, let’s do good in our own countries, let’s speak and speak and not stay silenced. Use what you best have to offer to help others. Either writing or drawing or building or even a simple hug. I was very emotional while doing this post, this art, but I’m trying to be short here (yeah, short) because I’ve got so many questions, so much to say but it all comes down to this: help the world, pray for those who suffer, protect the innocent and fight the devils. Thank you for reading. . . . . . . #australia #bushfiresaustralia #art #artwork #episode #noticemeepisode #donate #koalas #savetheplanet #savetheanimals #savethebiodiversity #fightfire #protect #speak #saveaustralia #redcross #wwf #noticemeepisodecreators #noticemeaxiom

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As many of you guys may have already heard, Australia is burning. The bushfires have ravaged countless homes, destroyed millions of acres of land, and taken the lives of millions of animals across our country. It’s heartbreaking to watch all the footage of what’s going on, and right now our country needs all the help it can get. I want to contribute my part and donate to the efforts, so for the next week I’d like to donate 100% of any profits from my store (link is on my profile) to the @redcrossau and @wildlifevictoria. There’s not much on my store unfortunately, but it’s the least I can do to help. There are also numerous other organisations that you can donate directly to. Any amount of support helps those fighting for their lives, and for their homes. Despite all the loss, it’s incredible to see that people from all over the world are banding together to aid the efforts. #australiaisburning #bushfire #redcross #cfa #wildlife

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#saveaustralia The numbers are nothing. Statistics are nothing. The next news about fires is nothing if we ourselves do not want to help our planet Earth. But we hear, watch and read news about 500 million dead animals due to the global global fire in Australia. This is worse than war. We are slowing down and waiting for the receipt of money to extinguish the fire. When animals and forests die at this time. It is very sad that we are fixated on finances. Let's save our "Home", let's think about the future right now! We are people, we are intelligent creatures, and animals cannot protect themselves. I, on behalf of all the inhabitants of planet Earth, urge all the authorities of the countries of the world to create a unified, independent organization of emergency situations to help extinguish large fires and prevent them. I hope our call will be heard by all those who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet Earth🙏 . . . #trueheroes #saveplanetearth #saveanimals

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Together, we are stronger 🇦🇺 • Today I saw the picture of a young kangaroo who got caught in a fence trying to escape the fire. It really shows how vulnerable the animals are in the face of the raging flames 😔 • I kept tearing up while drawing this but I wanted to remind everyone that every small bit you do, whether it is donating a few dollars, knitting mittens for the injured animals, or volunteering your time to help the victims of the fires, it all COUNTS! 🙆🏻‍♀️💛 This is a huge nightmare and tbh I still can’t fathom the scale of devastation that Australia is going through now. I really hope that together, we can pull through 😞💪🏻 • • #australiafires #nswfires #togetherstronger #illustration

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We are absolutely devastated by the news out of Australia. The wildfires have sadly taken the lives of millions of animals and have injured many more. It's no secret that we are huge lovers of all animals here. We have created this digital, downloadable: "Help the Animals of Australia" print and are donating 100% of proceeds to helping with the rescue of these animals. We know we have a lot of really amazing followers from Australia – we would love suggestions on the very best charities to give the proceeds of the sale! Link to donate in our profile – once purchased you will instantly receive a digital download of this print! Thank you all and we love you Australia! #australia #australian #australianbushfires #australianfires #koala #koalabear #koalas #koalasofinstagram #kangaroo #kangaroos #animals #animalrescue #savethekoalas #pleasehelp #help #rescue #donate

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