Predplatné PREMIUM na mesiac ZDARMA.

Pre dievčatá v pubertálnom veku býva často dôležitý práve vzhľad a bezchybná pleť. Vieš si predstaviť, že by sa ti z ničoho nič obrátil svet hore nohami a doteraz krásna pleť by sa zmenila na aknóznu? 20-ročná Mina z Nemecka s tým má vlastnú skúsenosť a rozhodla sa s ňou podeliť.

Mina bola dievča ako každé iné, pekná mladá baba. Keď však začala užívať antikoncepciu, nečakala, že jej život sa obráti naruby. Kým veľa žien používa tabletky na zlepšenie pleti a boj s akné, Mina zažila presný opak. Jej pleť sa rapídne zhoršila a teraz sa musí popasovať s cystickým akné, na ktoré bežné kozmetické prípravky veľmi nezaberajú a je potrebná dlhodobá liečba.

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Think back Thursday🌸 Hi guys, this photo of me popped up on my Snapchat review today😊 At that time my skin was clear and I felt really good😊 BUT -a huge BUT – I thought that clear skin is necessary for feeling fine like cherry wine 😂😅 But due to my acne I‘ve realized that enjoying time with friends and family and having nice colleagues at work is so much more important for enjoying life😊 Yes, for sure, I want my clear skin back BUT it does not effect my happiness at all bc I know it won‘t be forever and all my beloved ones love me bc of my character traits and not bc of my skin. So guys, please always focus on the bright side of life – You have one life – why waste it with worries about your skin??👀 Sooo please always remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL ❤️❤️ #acne #acnetalk #akne #enjoylife #throwback #vitaminb5 #vitamina #water #water #water

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Mina sa rozhodla, že svoj boj s akné bude zverejňovať aj na Instagrame a dnes ju sleduje 14-tisíc fanúšikov. Ako sama vo svojich príspevkoch prezrádza, prvý polrok bol najhorší. Nedokázala sa poriadne pozrieť ani do zrkadla, no potom si uvedomila, že nie je škaredá, len má problémy s pleťou. Dnes hovorí o tom, že aj ženy s akné sa môžu mať rady a rozširuje povedomie o hnutí skin positivity.

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Hi everybody, as you can see I HAVE ACNE. 🌅 I got it by using birthcontrol, „the pill“… I‘ve never had any skinproblems (swipe to the second picture), but now world looks different.. The first half year with acne was very bad, I didn‘t allow myself to look into the mirror. But my opinion towards my acne changed during these 1 1/2 years: I‘m Not ugly, I just have a problematic skin condition. Before my acne, I always told my friends with acne what to do to get rid of it, like stop eating sweets or stop putting on make-up… But that was just because I couldn‘t imagine how hard it is to get rid of acne. So at this Time, I‘m the Person who gets such advices… But none of it worked. That‘s the reason why I decided to take Isotretinoin in September, in Germany it‘s called Aknenormin. So this page will be my journey and I hope the Aknenormin will help. P. S. You can DM me for any questions you might have.😊 P. P. S. Please always remind yourself that you are beautiful no matter what your skin looks like. 🌞 #acne #skinproblems #isotretinoin #aknenormin #akne #youarebeautiful #pimples #againstacne #byeacne

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Život s akné je náročný nielen po psychickej, ale aj po fyzickej stránke. Sama Mina napísala, že len málokto si dokáže predstaviť bolesť, s akou sa musí niekedy vysporiadať. Nemôže si ľahnúť ani na bok a musí ostať na chrbte, aby sa tvárou ničoho nedotýkala. Len obyčajné umytie vodou môže byť nesmierne bolestivé. Aj napriek všetkému ale neprestáva bojovať a podstúpila liečbu, aby sa jej pleť zlepšila.

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Inform yourself and remain critical 🌸 • As I mentioned before my acne was caused by taking birth control aka while taking it. Nobody told me that acne could be a side effect of it. It wasn’t a part of the medication leaflet. How should I know?? It shocks me how easily a gynecologist prescribes the pill. I sometimes read stories of 13 year old girls who go to their gyn bc of their acne not because they need birth control – and the gyn recommends the „wonder“pill which cures everything. Yes they often mention the risk of thrombosis but nothing else… • I‘m pretty sure that you can be satisfied with the right pill (at least if you found it under 1037485920036 preparations) but I‘m also convinced that it can be a hard way to find the right pill…and you might go through real hard side effects… I will never ever take the pill again but the other alternatives also have some negative side effects… ATM I have an IUP – a copper spiral. It’s okay but definitely has some negative things… So please inform yourself about every kind of medication your doctors prescribe you!!! Be smart and learn to question things!!! 😊 #postpill #acne #akne #pille #pilleabsetzen #questionthings #rosacea #gyn #pill #birthcontrol #medications #negativesideeffects #thepill #acnepositivity #skinpositivity #selflove

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Vyzerá to, že jej začína aj zaberať, pretože na najnovších fotkách vidieť, že akné už nemá také výrazné ako na začiatku. Naďalej však vyzýva všetky dievčatá, aby sa nebáli ukazovať svoju tvár, pretože akné je úplne normálna vec a nesmie spôsobovať to, že sa kvôli nemu nebudeš mať rada.

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Werbung Can you even spot the @zitsticka KILLA patches?? • Yesterday I showed you my latest skin care product: the Zitsticka KILLA kit!!💖 • As you can see it‘s quite hard to see the KILLA patch – even in sunlight. • The KILLA kit contains a two step process that targets upcoming, blind and/or hormonal pimples from within: 1. CLEANA: With ingredients like salicylic acid and tea tree oil it prepares the area for the KILLA patch. 2. KILLA: The patch itself is a microdart patch which releases niacinamide and salicylic acid into the zit. • On the left picture you can see my skin before the KILLA patch and on the right you can see the difference after the patch. • If you want to try the KILLA kit as well, feel free to use my code „MINA15“ for 15% off. • Always remember yourself: Even with Zits – you are beautiful!!🌸❤️ #zitsticka #zittycommitee

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I don’t care anymore if the world sees my acne🙏🏻 • I‘m pretty sure I‘m not the only one that felt ashamed to show their real skin, but why should we hide it? • 11th August 2019 -exactly one year ago – I thought: „I‘m over it! Gonna show my bare face to the whole wide world!“ (For sure I felt a little bit scared😅) But I didn’t want to loose my mind on tiny errors anymore, because I learned that real beauty goes so much deeper than the surface!! • I founded so many beauties here on IG that have to deal with acne but do not feel ashamed to show it – Thank you for raising me up everyday! 🥰 Huge shoutout goes out to @myfacestory @meghamazing @wundervollchaotisch @by.emmataylor @skinnoshame @brielamour89 @haut.gefluester @isotretinoinwiths @acne.skinsideout @skinpositivitymovement @abbiebull_ @abis_acne @positivitywithjenny @ivyblooms @mariah.x.o.x and many more other beautiful people!! Don’t be sad, I couldn’t name y‘all!!❤️❤️🎉 • I received so many cute messages from all over the world – Thank you for this!!❤️ • I shared my thoughts with you – your resonance was great! I loved all your comments – Thank you also for this!!!❤️❤️❤️ • Finally I recognized that I wouldn’t wanna be anybody else! I have 1000 things to be happy about and only one to be sad – and this one isn’t my acne!! • We are simply beautiful – no matter what other people say!!! And if you can’t see your own beauty try to see it through my eyes – cause you are BEAUTIFUL!!🌸❤️ • So thank you for this amazing year, full of unique memories and full of love!!! I am so thankful for this community and I am sending loads of love to all of you!! • And if you need a little bit extra love check out my spotify playlist with two hours full of selflove!! • Stay safe! And be strong enough to show yourself to the world!❤️❤️❤️ Yours Mina #acne #acnejourney #rosacea #akne #acnecommunity #skinpositivity #selflove #selfpositivity #shoutout #acnetreatment #acnepositivity #smilingwithacne #skincommunity #skinjourney #haut #hautprobleme #accutane #aknenormin #isotretinoin #healingacnenaturally #rosazea #pimples #pimplepopper #redness #pickel #acnescars #acneskincare #hautsachegemeinsam

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Stop thinking about the gossip people are telling about you. • There will always be humans that will start gossiping about you and there will always be humans that will believe the gossip. You can’t change that fact. • But you can change the way you think about it. Why should you waste moments with thoughts about gossip? Gossip isn’t the truth so please stop defining yourself over the gossip of others or their opinion on you. • Have you heard that she …? Have you seen her latest Instagram post? Did you see her skin? She looks so …, did you realized that? Omg look at her. ….. • So much gossip starts with sentences like these. I think it’s awful. Don’t base your own thoughts on things you do not know and on things other people told you. Give yourself and others a chance before judging them. 🌸 #selflove #acne #akne #beauty #innerbeauty #schönheit #selbstlos #gossip #lästern #judge #rosazea #rosacea #skinpicking #skinpositivity #smilingwithacne #smile #believe #believeinyourself #treatothershowyouwanttobetreated #respect #respekt #hautsachegemeinsam #selfpositivity

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Don’t you know you‘re beautiful?? 🌸 • Look at yourself. Do you see that sparkle in your eyes? Do you see the laugh lines on your face? Do you recognize your sweet laughter when you‘re happy? It’s the way you talk. It’s the way you walk. It’s the way your inner beauty shines. Can you see it? • I just wanted to make sure that you all accept yourself as nothing less than beautiful!! • And if you think beautiful doesn’t suit you then maybe think about these: • Lovely, gorgeous, attractive, pretty, exquisite, stunning, splendid, astonishing, magnificent, divine, wonderful, cute, handsome, glorious, inspiring, fetching, marvelous, impressive, perfect, hot, phenomenal, appealing, flawless, …. • I‘m pretty sure you‘ll find a word that suits your beauty!!! But always remember you‘re absolutely beautiful!!! 🌸🌸 #acne #acnescars #scarring #akne #hautsachegemeinsam #acnejourney #acnepositivity #acneproblems #acneproneskin #rosazea #rosacea #narben #haut #skin #anxiety #beauty #schönehaut #pickel #pimples #embraceyourbody #embraceyourself #selflove #selbstliebe #acnecommunity #acnetips #acneisnormal

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