Predplatné PREMIUM na mesiac ZDARMA.

Či chceme, či nie, po niekoľkých rokoch spoločného života nám pri pohľade na toho druhého už v bruchu nelietajú motýle. Ostych a hanba idú bokom, no a my poznáme toho druhého minimálne tak dobre ako seba. To, čo sme niekedy pokladali za výlučne svoju vec, je už vecou našou a my tak môžeme spoločne zdieľať aj chvíle, ktoré boli vždy zahalené „rúškom tajomstva“. A to veľakrát aj bez ohľadu na to, či chceme alebo nie. 

#1 „Zlato, ty čo si v noci zjedol?“

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Drawing 92/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. You know it’s true love when their morning breath doesn’t phase you 💕 ———————————————————————————Sabes que es amor verdadero cuando el aliento de la mañana no te molesta 💕 ——————————————————————————— Você sabe que é amor verdadeiro quando a hálito da manhã não te incomoda 💕 ———————————————————————————Sai che è il vero amore quando il loro alito mattutino non ti smorza 💕 ———————————————————— Art prints and original paintings on the site link in bio🌼

A post shared by A m a n d a👩🏻‍🎨O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

#2 „Zavri rýchlo dvere, uniká mi teplo.“

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-24 Hour Print Sale- I just released 6 prints on the site! Link in bio🎉🎨 4 are never before released prints. And two are favorites I brought back from the first 100 drawing collection for all of you newbies on the account that missed out ❤️😊 check the Instagram story to see their names, or scroll back to them on the page to read the inspirations behind them. ——————————————————————————Nuevos dibujos disponibles en mi sitio web para la venta durante 24 horas. 🎨🎉 ———————————————————————— Novos desenhos disponíveis no meu site para venda por 24 horas. 🎨🎉 ———————————————————————— Nuovi disegni disponibili sul mio sito web in vendita per 24 ore. 🎨🎉

A post shared by A m a n d a👩🏻‍🎨O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

#3 Vlasy, vlasy, všade sú vlasy… 

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Drawing 78/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night saying “owww you’re on my hair” and then @joeyrudman moves over and I pulled it to my side. In the morning he told me that when I said that he thought in his head “well, it’s taking up the whole bed” 🤣🤣🤣 —————————————— Anoche me desperté en medio de la noche diciendo "owww estas encima de mi pelo " y luego @joeyrudman se mueve y muevo mi cabello a mi lado. Por la mañana me dijo que cuando le dije eso el estaba pensando "bueno, está ocupando toda la cama" 🤣🤣🤣 ————————————— I’ve been getting messages of people telling me that they can translate my titles in their language better than google translate. Feel free to translate the titles anytime in your language for our community in the comments ! ❤️💕 thank you so much 🙏🏼✨ ————————————— tradotto in italiano nei commenti grazie @martasanset ———————————————————— Art prints and original paintings on the site link in bio🌼

A post shared by A m a n d a👩🏻‍🎨O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

#4 „Čo? Gól? To fakt kvôli tomu si sa postavil?“

#5 „No, to si operieš sám, miláčik.“

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Drawing 58/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. This is when you are cuddling and you accidentally scratch your love with your toe nail… 🤗sorry! . . This is inspired by last night when I got very close to @joeyrudman ‘s toe nail and he was like “careful!” And then it brought me back to the time he scratched me and it bleed and left a scar 😂 my mind immediately went to this drawing idea but of course I had to exaggerate it a bit for effect. 🤗 . ————————————— Esto es cuando accidentalmente rascas tu amor con tu uña del pie … ¡Lo siento! . . Esto está inspirado en la noche anterior cuando me acerqué mucho a la uña del dedo gordo de @joeyrudman y me dijo "¡cuidado!" Y luego me recordé una vez me rascó y sangraba y me dejó una cicatriz "mi mente se fue inmediatamente a esta idea de dibujo, pero por supuesto tuve que exagerar un poco por efecto. 🤗 ——————————————— Time-lapse in the Instagram story. ————————————————— Prints and originals available on my site, link in bio🌷🎨

A post shared by A m a n d a👩🏻‍🎨O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

#6 „To fakt musím čakať kým dočítaš celú kapitolu?“

#7 „Fuuuj, teraz sa radšej chvíľu nepozeraj…!“

#8 „Ešte tento. Sľubujem, že posledný.“

#9 „Fúúj, to mi kedy narástlo?“ 

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Drawing 56/100 of the drawing a day for 100 days challenge. When you see a white hair and it reminds you how old you're getting and all of the things you wanted to have accomplished by this age. So you get your partner to come help cut them out or you pull them out yourself because.. who needs that rude reminder? ✂️✂️✂️– So after this post I've been getting messages about how I should be proud of what I have achieved at this age, and that I'm not that old..etc. I know I'm not that old, thirties are great years and I'm looking forward to them. And I am really happy about how far I am in my career, but as a women who wants multiple kids and wants to tour the world and publish books and work an a ton of projects it gets a little messy at this age since the older I get the closer I am to my internal ticking clock of having children. I'm not ready for them but I do want them in the future and before them there's a lot I want to do, many places I want to go and things I want to accomplish. My mom got married at 23 and had me at 24. She always gave me this piece of advice: "Do what you love before you have kids, travel, spend alone time with your partner don't rush into it." I take that advice to heart and have followed it but I think it's normal to feel that pressure when I am reminded of my age. ✨

A post shared by A m a n d a👩🏻‍🎨O l e a n d e r (@amandaoleander) on

#10 „Nie, už nebudem viac čakať.“

Toto sa oplatí čítať

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